توضیحی درباره ترجمه مقاله Analytical and visual modeling of InGaN/GaN single quantum well laser based on rate equations

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آیا میدانید معنی و مفهوم ترجمه مقاله Analytical and visual modeling of InGaN/GaN single quantum well laser based on rate equations چیست؟

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با راه اندازی این وبسایت شما خواهید توانست به مقاله ترجمه مقاله Analytical and visual modeling of InGaN/GaN single quantum well laser based on rate equations دسترسی پیدا کنید.

You can download the file ترجمه مقاله Analytical and visual modeling of InGaN/GaN single quantum well laser based on rate equations securely and easily from this site.

Download the best articles on the website below with the subject ترجمه مقاله Analytical and visual modeling of InGaN/GaN single quantum well laser based on rate equations.

ترجمه مقاله Analytical and visual modeling of InGaN/GaN single quantum well laser based on rate equations An analytical, visual and open source model based on solving the rate equations for InGaN/GaN single quantum well (QW) lasers has been carried out. In the numerical computations, the fourth-order Runge–Kutta method has been used for solving the differential rate equations. The rate equations which have been considered in this simulation include the two level rate equations for the well and separate confinement heterostructure (SCH) layers. We present a new and inexpensive modeling method with analytical, visual and open source capabilities to investigate and comprehend the QW laser characteristics such as time behavior of carriers in SCHs and QW, photon density, output power and gain, and also the output power versus current which presents the threshold current of the laser. The characteristics of the QW lasers, which include laser time response (P–t), turn-on delay time of lasing and output power–current (P–I) characteristic and related features such as thresho .

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